Finding assignments as a freelancer


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Throughout your self-employed career, your network will remain your greatest asset. Remember to maintain it! Very effective for prospecting, it's all about staying in touch with people without getting too commercial.

How do you find assignments and clients as a freelancer?

Finding assignments when you're a freelancer isn't just a matter of prospecting. Here are 6 tips to help you find assignments

1/Maintain your network & be present

Throughout your self-employed career, your network will remain your greatest asset. Remember to maintain it! Very effective for prospecting, it's all about maintaining a human relationship without getting too commercial. Take advantage of a break: a lunch, an evening or a coffee, to spend time with your network. Invite your former colleagues, customers, high school or university friends to lunch. Who knows, one day, they might entrust you with an assignment.

Tip: don't think that being on assignment prevents you from networking! In fact, this is the ideal time: you'll seem more relaxed, less in a hurry. Take the opportunity to talk about your current and past experiences, and suggest that you could or would be available, but without any pressure.

To go further : take part in events, trade shows and conferences. Their purpose is professional and commercial: talk about yourself, but above all, listen to others. Their needs and experiences will enable you to adapt your approach.

2/Maintain your image

Today, our image is conveyed through social networks, our primary showcase. They enable us to maintain a daily relationship "at a distance". Use them to keep your contacts regularly informed of your progress and news, but above all, remember to keep a frequent watch on your competitors and your market. That way, you'll be on the lookout for all the latest needs and developments.

Tip: Remember to engage in dialogue. Comment on publications, react to articles and, last but not least, approach your contacts, inviting them for a coffee, a lunch, encouraging "real" encounters.

To go further: on your website, promote your offers, your events and your dynamism. Use social networks to promote your content and build a solid customer and prospect base.

3/Build your offer

Your offer is your main key, defining your field of action. Whether you're developing your brand or looking for new clients, a structured, clear and concise offer is essential. For an independent consultant, defining your offer means not only highlighting your know-how and expertise, but also showing your personality and soft-skills.

Tip: Every action you take represents you. Your offer is also your showcase, so build it so that it reflects who you are.

To take it a step further: Use your experience and previous assignments to illustrate your offer. This will make it more valuable.

Acquisition indep

4/Get recommendations

Don't be afraid to call on those around you for recommendations. They can be posted on Linkedin for all to see, or they can be the subject of a call, a message or even an e-mail. Think about reaching out to your various circles, both personal and professional. Some of them may be interested in your expertise, so ask to be put in touch!

Although recommendations are not miraculous, they give you concrete legitimacy and reassure your prospects of your abilities. They are the concrete expression of your actions; thanks to the testimonials of people your prospects know, you give them the benefit of feedback from their experiences with you.

Tip : A completed assignment can lead to a recommendation. Just ask!

To go further: On your website, your Facebook page, your Instagram account or your Linkedin profile, don't hesitate to highlight your testimonials and recommendations!


As a freelancer, you're selling an intellectual service, something subjective, an expertise. Although experience, diplomas and recommendations serve as guarantees, continuous training on constantly evolving subjects will help you to position yourself better in the market. This will enable you to expand your network and perhaps even win new customers from among the participants.

Tip: Add them to your CV and profile. It'll show your dynamism.

6/Join the WEEM community!

At WEEM, we support both freelancers and companies. Each profile is carefully selected and recruited. Each assignment is carefully studied and staffed according to the soft and hard skills required to complete it.

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