TIP #1: Getting to know yourself


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At the beginning of January, we organized our first meet-up of 2020 with Alexandre Koroleff, a certified coach from the WEEM community.

TIP #1: Getting to know yourself

At the beginning of January, we organized our first meet-up of 2020 with Alexandre Koroleff, a certified coach from the WEEM community. Our independent consultants played the game of self-knowledge, using psychologist Will Schutz's theory of the "Human Element". An instructive, immersive and all too short experience, here's a sneak preview!

What is the human element theory?

>> A theory developed by a U.S. marine turned psychologist to help submariners work together more effectively. Today, this approach is a benchmark in teamwork.

>> Bringing people back to the heart of the matter by building a collaborative team and establishing a relationship of trust.

>> Promote success by becoming aware of yourself and those around you.

What are the three fundamental concepts?


A strong notion of integration. Taking the time to say hello, to include others, to give them a sense of importance, of belonging, of being valued. With inclusion, you create a personal connection that encourages constructive exchanges.


A notion of competence that enables leadership to be exercised within the team. Control provides security and structure, without becoming a constraint. Control can be used to test limits, procedures and managers, as well as to resolve internal conflicts and power struggles.


Lastly, openness to others, essentially based on the ability to open up to people. Am I going to have to apply filters, or can I be transparent with my colleagues? Good openness will enable you to express uncertainties, feelings or concerns without fear.

What I have to remember.

Taking an interest in your colleagues, your client or those around you can change your vision, your efficiency and your performance completely. Before a meeting or an appointment, take the time to listen and establish human contact with the person you're talking to, before launching into the heart of the matter.

"One day, I managed to get an appointment with the prospect of my dreams. I was so focused on the idea of showing him that I was competent that I forgot the essential human contact. Since then, I always take the time to establish a human contact before talking about the substance. "

Alexandre Koroleff
Coach and member of the WEEM community

To find out more.

Ask yourself: how do you start your meetings and sales projects? Do you systematically set aside time for inclusion?

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