Welcome to the community

We are a community of over 2000 independent experts and consultants of the highest caliber, having earned our stripes in the leading consulting firms or possessing significant corporate and entrepreneurial experience. Co-opted and met in face-to-face interviews, we’ve joined forces to reach a new balance in our lives that benefits all parties.

Though our experiences are diverse, we come together around a shared ambition for success and personal fulfillment.

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Talented independent professionals

From 3 to 30

years of professional experience


clients already benefit from our support


Does being independent mean walking alone? We don’t think so. It’s an opportunity for more exchanges and personal enrichment.

Community is above all about sharing—sharing, for example, your experiences, questions, and needs through Weem talks, led by our experts or partners.

Would you like to expand your network and discover new opportunities? Talk about it with the other members of the community: make yourself known!


We meet people with new profiles every day and would be delighted to find out more about your professional experience.

Contact us